5. Running Keystone in RV32

Currently we support running Keystone using all three priviledges, which are Machine, Supervisor, and User mode (M/S/U). Currently, we are working on a Machine and User mode implementation on Keystone to better support embedded systems.

5.1. Setup RV32 Environment

First, run the rv32-setup.sh script (located at the top-level directory) to install the RV32 toolchain (which uses the GC extensions).


This script will unzip and install the RV32 toolchain and store it in ./riscv32. The script will also set the $RISCV environment variable to point to the riscv32 directory. We strongly recommend adding the following to your .bashrc.

export RISCV=$(pwd)/riscv32
export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH

5.2. Build SDK in RV32

We will now have to build the SDK in RV32. Go to your SDK directory and create a build directory. Remember to set your SDK path

mkdir <build directory>
cd <build directory>
export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=<install_directory>
cmake .. -DRISCV32=y
make install

This will build the SDK in RV32.

5.3. Build Keystone in RV32

Similar to the SDK, we may now build the entire Keystone framework in RV32. First, create a build directory and specify the RV32 flag.

mkdir <build directory>
cd <build directory>
cmake .. -DRISCV32=y

This will begin building Keystone in RV32.