1.2.1. Running Keystone with QEMU

QEMU is an open source machine emulator. The latest QEMU supports RISC-V ISA.

Keystone is tested in the latest RISC-V QEMU (GitHub). The upstream QEMU might not work because it has a bug in the PMP module (See GitHub issue <>. The fix will be upstreamed in the future. Installing Dependencies

We tested Keystone with QEMU on CentOS and Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 Cent OS

sudo yum install autoconf automake autotools-dev bc bison build-essential \
curl expat expat-devel flex gawk gcc gcc-c++ git gperf libgmp-dev libmpc-dev \
libmpfr-dev libtool mpfr-devel texinfo tmux patchutils zlib1g-dev zlib-devel \
wget bzip2-devel lbzip2 patch Ubuntu

sudo apt update
sudo apt install autoconf automake autotools-dev bc bison build-essential curl \
expat libexpat1-dev flex gawk gcc git gperf libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev \
libtool texinfo tmux patchutils zlib1g-dev wget bzip2 patch vim-common lbzip2 \
python pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev Compile Sources Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/keystone-enclave/keystone
cd keystone
git submodule update --init --recursive Install RISC-V GNU Toolchain

mkdir riscv
export RISCV=$(pwd)/riscv
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=$RISCV
make && make linux
cd ..

This step installs RISC-V GNU toolchain in the keystone/riscv directory.

To keep environment variables, add export PATH=$PATH:<path/to/keystone>/riscv/bin to your .bashrc. You can also manually run source source.sh to set the environment variables. Create Disk Image using Busybear

See Busybear repo for more information.

cd busybear-linux
cd .. Build RISC-V QEMU

You should apply patches before building the QEMU.

cd riscv-qemu
./configure --target-list=riscv64-softmmu,riscv32-softmmu
cd .. Build Linux Kernel with Built-in Keystone Driver

cd riscv-linux
cp ../busybear-linux/conf/linux.config .config
make ARCH=riscv olddefconfig
make ARCH=riscv vmlinux
cd .. Build Berkeley Bootloader (BBL) with Keystone Security Monitor

Make sure to add --enable-sm when you run configure so that the security monitor is included in the bbl.

cd riscv-pk
mkdir build
cd build
../configure \
    --enable-logo \
    --host=riscv64-unknown-elf \
    --with-payload=../../riscv-linux/vmlinux \
cd ../.. Build Root-of-Trust Boot ROM

cd bootrom
cd .. Build Keystone SDK

Keystone SDK includes sample enclave programs and some useful libraries. To run sample programs, you should compile SDK library and apps, and copy all of them into the disk image. Following commands will compile the sdk, and copy sample binaries into the busybear.bin disk image.

cd sdk
make copy-tests
cd .. Launch QEMU

Now, you’re ready to run Keystone.

The following script will run QEMU, start executing from the emulated silicon root of trust. The root of trust then jumps to the SM, and the SM boots Linux!

 sudo chmod og+w busybear-linux/busybear.bin

Login as root with the password busybear.

You can exit QEMU by ctrl-a``+``x Run Tests

You can run Keystone enclaves by using an untrusted host application. We already implemented a simple host test-runner.riscv for running tests. Following command will create and execute the enclave.

./test-runner.riscv <user elf> <runtime elf>

To run all tests, you could simply run
