
In this stage, you will (1) install RISC-V toolchain, (2) checkout git submodules, and (3) Install SDK. You can either quickly setup everything (Quick Setup) or manually setup (Manual Setup). Quick Setup

You can quickly setup everything by running ./fast-setup.sh


This will download pre-compiled RISC-V tools and extract it to riscv directory and setup submodules.

If you want to compile RISC-V tools from source code, run ./setup.sh instead. This may be necessary on some platforms due to library issues.

To keep environment variables, add following lines to your .bashrc.

export RISCV=<path/to/keystone>/riscv
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=<path/to/keystone>/sdk

You can also manually run source source.sh to set the environment variables. Manual Setup

If you used ./fast-setup.sh or ./setup.sh, you may skip this section. This section explains the manual way of setting up the repository.

First, sync and update all the submodules. You may need these commands whenever you checkout to a different branch (e.g., dev, master, etc).

git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive

For additional inormation, see git submodules.

Install the RISC-V GNU toolchain for cross compilation. See riscv-gnu-toolchain for details.

cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/riscv --enable-multilib
make; make linux

Install the Keystone SDK and prepare Eyrie runtime source code.

make -C sdk

Initialize the runtime (i.e., Eyrie) source code.


This initializes the runtime source code at ./sdk/rts based on the version specified in ./sdk/rts/eyrie.version.

For more usage of the script, try the script with --help flag.

To keep environment variables, add following lines to your .bashrc.

export RISCV=<path/to/keystone>/riscv
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
export KEYSTONE_SDK_DIR=<path/to/keystone>/sdk

You can also manually run source source.sh to set the environment variables.