2. Vault.sh

vault.sh is a sample build script for building eapps/hosts, building an appropriate Eyrie configuration, and packaging all three into a self-extracting archive.

In most cases, changing the variables in the script will be sufficient to build a custom enclave.

The hello world tutorial vault script is as follows:

#                   Replace the variables                      #
VAULT_DIR=`dirname $0`
BUILD_COMMAND="make -C eapp && make -C host"
EYRIE_PLUGINS="freemem untrusted_io_syscall linux_syscall env_setup"
PACKAGE_FILES="eapp/hello \
               host/runner \
PACKAGE_SCRIPT="./runner hello eyrie-rt"

We will go through what each variable is for, and how the script builds the enclave.

NAME defines the name of the enclave. It will be used to generate the final enclave package.

VAULT_DIR is the path to the script. The script will change the directory to $VAULT_DIR before running the build commands.

BUILD_COMMAND defines the build commands. This example has Makefile in each of the directory, so the script just needs to execute make at each directory to build both the eapp and the host.

OUTPUT_DIR is the path to the output files. Since we started from Quick Start, we put the build outputs to the buildroot overlay directory so that we can see them in the QEMU disk image.

EYRIE_DIR is the path to the Eyrie runtime source code.

EYRIE_PLUGINS defines what plugins you want to include in the runtime.

PACKAGE_FILES defines which files you want to include in the final enclave package. vault.sh uses Makeself to generate a self-extracting archive for the enclave. The package usually includes the host binary (i.e., host/runner), the eapp binary (i.e., eapp/hello), and the runtime binary (i.e., $EYRIE_DIR/eyrie-rt)

PACKAGE_SCRIPT defines the input command to makeself. The self-extracting archive will execute this command after the decompression.

2.1. Eyrie Runtime

If you have completed Quick Start, the runtime source code would have been already located at $EYRIE_DIR.

You can find the following command in vault.sh, which builds the Eyrie runtime.