1.2.1. Testing Keystone with QEMU

QEMU is an open source machine emulator. The latest QEMU supports RISC-V ISA.

Keystone was tested in a QEMU fork in RISC-V (GitHub). The upstream QEMU is not currently supported due to several remaining issues (Ex: See GitHub issue). Fixes will be upstreamed in the future.

If you just want to quickly test Keystone with QEMU, you can start with Docker, which will take <10 minutes. Setting the environment by yourself (without Docker) will take 1-2 hours. Start With Docker

The fastest way to try Keystone is through our Docker image (Ubuntu 16.04/18.04). The image contains all of our source code, as well as a compiled kernel, QEMU, example binaries, SDK, and GNU tools. Note that the source code in the Docker image may contain the latest release, not the latest branch. Always make sure you are working with the right version that matches with the documentation.

Prerequisite: Docker

Download the image and run a container.

wget https://keystone-enclave.eecs.berkeley.edu/files/keystone-sample-image_docker.tgz
docker load --input keystone-sample-image_docker.tgz
docker run --name keystone-sample -it keystone-sample-image

Now, run tests in the container. See Run Tests for details.

# In the container
su keystone
cd ~/keystone
make run-tests