1.2.2. Testing Keystone with FireSim (w/ Chipyard Framework)

FireSim is an FPGA-based cycle-accurate simulator for RISC-V processors. Using FireSim, you can test Keystone on open-source processors like RocketChip or BOOM.

FireSim has been integrated into Chipyard, which is a framework for hardware desigining. We recommend you to follow the tutorial to familiarize yourself with Chipyard and FireSim. Who needs it?

If you want to run your enclave application with Keystone, but you don’t own any RISC-V processor, FireSim is the way to go. FireSim allows you to simulate the processors with reasonably high speed. You can actually boot Linux on the simulated processor and run real workloads. You can test functionality or measure the performance of Keystone enclaves. If you want to improve your enclave system by modifying hardware, you can freely modify the processor hardware, and deploy it to Amazon AWS FPGAs using FireSim. Setting Up Chipyard

Follow the FireSim setup documentation and the Chipyard documentation to set up Chipyard using Firesim. You will first need to set up a FireSim Manager instance on Amazon EC2, onto which you will install the Chipyard repo. Finally, Firesim will be initalized as a library in Chipyard, so you do not need to set it separately within the Manager instance.

We are going to use the latest version of FireMarshal. Thus, go to the FireMarshal directory and checkout the dev branch. The latest FireMarshal version we tested is 1.10.0.

cd <chipyard repo>
cd software/firemarshal
git checkout dev


RISC-V toolchain must be in your PATH all time. Don’t forget to update your environment variables by source env.sh. Download Keystone Workload

We already wrote the scripts and workload configuration for Keystone that works with the latest FireMarshal. Clone the workload repo into any directory you want.

git clone https://github.com/keystone-enclave/firemarshal-keystone <workload directory>

The repo includes keystone.json which you should be using for building Keystone software stack using FireMarshal. Build Keystone Software Stack using FireMarshal

Now, we’re ready to build the software stack of Keystone. Go to FireMarshal directory, and build the workload.

cd <chipyard repo>
cd software/firemarshal
./marshal -v build <path/to/keystone.json>

You should replace <path/to/keystone.json> with the absolute path to the keystone.json in the workload directory.

You can launch QEMU to run the tests.

./marshal -v launch <path/to/keystone.json>
# Login via [root/firesim]

Finally, install the workload in FireSim.

./marshal -v install <path/to/keystone.json>

keystone workload should be installed in <chipyard repo>/sims/firesim/deploy/workloads. Launching Simulation (FireSim)

We will need to edit some of the FireSim configs. Open config_runtime.ini in <chipyard repo>/sims/firesim/deploy and edit the following sections

# ...

# ...

# ...


See the FireSim Manager Configuration Files for an explanation of other possible configuration options.

Use FireSim commands to launch the simulation. Go to the top-level FireSim directory and run:

cd <path/to/firesim>
source sourceme-f1-manager.sh

Launch runfarm and test!

firesim launchrunfarm
firesim infrasetup
firesim boot

You can login to the f1 instance via ssh and attach to the simulated node using screen command.

See FireSim Single Node Simulation for more details.

# [On your manager instance]
ssh <f1 instance ip address>
# [On the f1 instance]
screen -r fsim0
# [Login via root/sifive] Running Keystone Enclaves


We don’t support the emulated secure boot in FireSim, so the attestation key of security monitor will be all zeroes. Thus, the attestation will not work unless you change your bootrom. See this issue.

Run ./tests.ke to run all enclaves sequentially.

# [On the simulated node]